Friday, October 31, 2008

The hope delivered by Obama

Obama talked a lot about "hope" in his presidential campaign. Obama has definitely already delivered on hope even before the elections. Hope that you don't need to have relevant skillset before applying for a job. Hope that you can convince people that you support the army while undermining and questioning their achievement. Hope that there are enough fools around who would believe you if you tell them what they want to hear. Hope that you can keep flip-flopping on issues and people will continue to believe you. Hope that you can attend anti-American propaganda church meetings and convince people that you are a patriot. Hope that you can apply for an executive job by doing social service. Hope that you can be an absentee at school for most of your term and get an 'A' grade.

Hope that anyone can become a president.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What's more wasteful spending? Iraq Or Monica Lewinsky

People have concerns about how their taxes are being wasted in Iraq war. Democrats blame Bush Office for wasteful spending and tax cuts for rich. But let's see the worst (or) most unpopular spending that last 2 presidents have done
  • Bush - Iraq war
  • Clinton - Hiring Interns like Monica Lewinsky and Paula Jones (when he was Arkansas Governor)
Clinton had alleged affairs with a Arkansas state employee, a white-house intern and allegedly many others as well. The funny thing to note is that Monica's salary for her internship is paid for by American tax-payers. Who gets the benefits - Clinton. Well, one may say that it's not much and that the amount is minuscule compared to what we spend in Iraq. But it speaks a lot about character of the president and the party who is counting on his record to win the election.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Innovation in Internet still has long way to go..

Innovation in Internet has still a long way to go. Internet has annihilated middlemen in many industries in last decade. However, the job is not finished yet. We still have middlemen in real_estate services, car sales, music labels, money lending services (peer lending has not succeeded as much), and cards (YES, credit cards too)

Credit cards act as middlemen between banks and customers. Credit cards end up charging outrageous 3-5% of each transaction and give most part of it back to the card-issuing bank. This is unacceptable in 21st century when you don't need a swiping machine to do the transaction. Something like paypal (or) a new form of internet currency will eventually replace them. Unfortunately this change will take much longer than others because of the heavy control of banks over the money supply.

On top of this, Internet will continue to enable things we haven't even thought of yet.